[weblogic@yourhost ]$ cd $MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ [weblogic@yourhost bin]$ ./wlst.sh Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ... Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell Type help() for help on available commands wls:/offline> connect('weblogic','password','t3://host_ip:port') Connecting to t3://xx.xx.xx.xx:7001 with userid weblogic ... Successfully connected to Admin Server "AdminServer" that belongs to domain "WeblogicDomain". Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or Admin port should be used instead. wls:/WeblogiDomain/serverConfig/> edit() Location changed to edit tree. This is a writable tree with DomainMBean as the root. To make changes you will need to start an edit session via startEdit(). For more help, use help('edit'). wls:/WeblogiDomain/edit/> startEdit() Starting an edit session ... Started edit session, be sure...
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