set lines 110
col unm format a30 hea "USERNAME (SID,SERIAL#)"
col pus format 999,990.9 hea "PROC KB|USED"
col pal format 999,990.9 hea "PROC KB|MAX ALLOC"
col pgu format 99,999,990.9 hea "PGA KB|USED"
col pga format 99,999,990.9 hea "PGA KB|ALLOC"
col pgm format 99,999,990.9 hea "PGA KB|MAX MEM"
select s.username||' ('||s.sid||','||s.serial#||')' unm, round((sum(m.used)/1024),1) pus,
round((sum(m.max_allocated)/1024),1) pal, round((sum(p.pga_used_mem)/1024),1) pgu,
round((sum(p.pga_alloc_mem)/1024),1) pga, round((sum(p.pga_max_mem)/1024),1) pgm
from v$process_memory m, v$session s, v$process p
where m.serial# = p.serial# and = and p.addr=s.paddr and
s.username is not null group by s.username, s.sid, s.serial# order by unm;
col unm format a30 hea "USERNAME (SID,SERIAL#)"
col pus format 999,990.9 hea "PROC KB|USED"
col pal format 999,990.9 hea "PROC KB|MAX ALLOC"
col pgu format 99,999,990.9 hea "PGA KB|USED"
col pga format 99,999,990.9 hea "PGA KB|ALLOC"
col pgm format 99,999,990.9 hea "PGA KB|MAX MEM"
select s.username||' ('||s.sid||','||s.serial#||')' unm, round((sum(m.used)/1024),1) pus,
round((sum(m.max_allocated)/1024),1) pal, round((sum(p.pga_used_mem)/1024),1) pgu,
round((sum(p.pga_alloc_mem)/1024),1) pga, round((sum(p.pga_max_mem)/1024),1) pgm
from v$process_memory m, v$session s, v$process p
where m.serial# = p.serial# and = and p.addr=s.paddr and
s.username is not null group by s.username, s.sid, s.serial# order by unm;
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