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Webcenter Content - Increase Number of SDATA Sections when using OracleTextSearch


Oracle UCM uses the SDATA section feature in Oracle Text to index important text, date, and integer fields and define them as Optimized Fields. The SDATA section is a separate XML structure managed by the Oracle Text engine that allows the engine to respond rapidly to requests involving data and integer ranges. Content Server can have up to 32 Optimized Fields, which includes data, integer, standard Content Server fields like dInDate, dOutDate, and fields selected to be optimized. All Optimized Fields are SDATA fields, which by default include dDocName, dDocTitle, dDocType, and dSecurityGroup.

Source: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E21043_01/doc.1111/e10792/c05_search001.htm

Configuration for Database:
  • For database version > can already have more than 32 sections, does not need to be configured.
  • For database version is Oracle
    • Apply the Oracle Patch Set: See Note:1562139.1 " Patch Set - Availability and Known Issues" (preferred solution)
    • Apply the one-off patch:
      • For Linux x86-64: Patch:16520720 "MERGE REQUEST ON TOP OF FOR BUGS 13922299 12960302 14364541 14367567"
  • For database version is Oracle or
    • Apply the Oracle Patch Set: See Note:1562139.1 " Patch Set - Availability and Known Issues"
      • If your database version is 11.1.0.X:
      • Upgrade the database to Oracle

Configuring in Webcenter Content:

Edit $CONTENT_DOMAIN/ucm/cs/config/config.cfg

And add parameter MaxNumSdataSections



In weblogic Administration Console, Restart UCM Managed Server.

Reference: Oracle Support 1607548.1


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